Dear Swimmers,
Down here in South Florida it feels like Summer.. we will see the 80's this week..
I always like to start the new swimming season with the articles about swimming age, sun protection, eyes, ears and other articles on protecting our kids from the elements...
According to Aristotle in his On Generation and Corruption:
• Air is primarily wet and secondarily hot.
• Fire is primarily hot and secondarily dry.
• Earth is primarily dry and secondarily cold.
• Water is primarily cold and secondarily wet.
Fun reading just click on...
Last month we looked at Water (Swimming ages) this month Fire (Sun skin damage). The article below is long but I think you will love all the great information it has...
Keep them swimming,
Swim buoy LLC
Featured Article............
Kids and sun skin damage
A new test can help you find out. It uses a UV camera to find skin damage under the surface which may appear as wrinkles or cancer in the future.
With a flash of ultraviolet light, the Visnu Colour UV Camera penetrates below the dead outer layer of skin to show the condition of the living layers underneath.
Skin problems react to the UV light and show up as different colors in the photo. Blue means dehydrated skin and dark purple patches show sun damage and pigmentation.
We took pics of four children, Oliver and Emma Partington from Fulham, west London, and Natalie and Taylor Keegan, from Epping, Essex, using the camera.
Then we got Nicola Stoddart, from skin care company Ella Bache, to analyses the results, on the right.
Mum Alison Partington was pleased Oliver's fair skin got the all-clear but shocked that Emma showed signs of sun damage.
She says: "I've always been careful to protect Oliver's skin because he's very fair. Emma wears sunscreen too but I suspect she doesn't use enough or put it on properly."
Natalie and Taylor both showed traces of damage and mum Deborah Keegan says: "I get the children to wear sunscreen on holiday but not so much in this country. Now when the sun's out, I'll always make sure they slap it on."
Department of Health figures show a quarter of men and a fifth of women get sunburnt at least once a year, often after sunning themselves on holidays abroad.
Sunshine makes us feel great, boosting chemicals in the brain that lift our mood and increasing vitamin D levels which help us absorb calcium from food.
But excessive exposure can lead to bad burns, dehydration and heatstroke.
Sunburn is caused by UVB rays which can also lead to skin cancer. The danger time is when the sun is overhead - between 11am and 4pm.
Mild to moderate sunburn makes your skin red, tender and warm to touch. It may peel and the redness can last a week.
Severe sunburn can cause blisters, nausea and fever.
Sunburn is also a skin cancer risk - more than 46,000 new cases are diagnosed in the UK every year.
Many of us get burnt on foreign beaches but temperatures are predicted to rise in Britain and this year could be the hottest on record.
If you do get burnt, here are the top ten tips from Prof Antony Young, a photo biologist at St Thomas's Hospital in London and Dr Meg Price, a consultant dermatologist at Brighton and Sussex Universities' medical school in Brighton.
1 First, cool the skin by bathing the area in cold water or apply a cold compress.
2 Then slather on lots of cold cream. This soothes the skin, stops it drying out even more and helps stop peeling. A moisturizer that's been cooled in the fridge is as good as expensive after-sun creams.
Oil-based calamine cream is very soothing and better than calamine lotion as it helps keep moisture in. Aloe vera gel also soothes skin and reduces inflammation.
3 Too much sun makes you dehydrated and dries out your skin, so drink plenty of water.
4 Wear loose fitting cotton clothing and stay out of the sun.
5 Remove any rings or jewellery on or around the affected area as they may cause swelling.
6 Don't use petroleum jelly or ointments - they keep the heat in.
7 A mild painkiller such as paracetamol will help ease the pain and reduce inflammation. Give children with sunburn Calpol syrup, a child's paracetamol syrup.
8 Don't wash the burned skin with harsh soap because that will irritate the damaged skin.
9 If the burn is more serious, only use water and treat the area as a burn. Keep cooling with water.
10 For severe sunburn, which causes weeping blisters and cracked skin, your GP can prescribe anti-inflammatory steroid creams.
• THE UV test costs £10 and is available at beauty salons in London and Manchester and around the country by the end of the year. Call 01753 880537.