First Swim-buoy Model 1950's

By Garland Pollard
Swim-buoy, founder in 1955 by Jack L. Brasington Sr. was not a maker of life preservers. Instead, they were to help a child float and learn to swim.
In the last few decades, other methods became popular, including the flotation devices that you remove strips from the side back gradually as the child learns to swim. There is also the gruesome "Throw in the water" immersion method, which somehow seems about as charming as water childbirth.
But the best was the Swim Buoy bubble float. It was best because it made the child to swim without knowing it.
Today, the Swim Buoy is still made, and by a company in
MIami Fl USA. Swimbuoy LLC. On their website, they show archival photos of children with the Swim Buoy. Its still a fashion statement, and comes in clever, snazzy patterns, so that parents can feel hip about it.
"The Swim Bubble" the Original